

聽說最近線上翻譯大有進步,快來試試,不過這次要倒過來,測試中翻英。(舊文:線上快譯通-看誰翻的好 @ Good for Nothing 隨意窩 Xuite日誌

❏測試例句:老公! 老公! 快起來! 你老婆來了!

這句是最近很紅的「複雜關係句」,很口語,最適合用來測試中翻英。在今天這個特別的日子,有情人做成眷屬的時候,願「老公! 老公! 快起來!」,大家心想事成;「你老婆來了!」這種壞運不要來!



❏❐Husband! Husband! Get up! your wife here!

此類有:Google 翻譯Dictionary.com Translatorfrengly.comMyMemory

最後一句 your wife here,少了動詞,一定會被李家同罵。


❏❐Husband! Husband! Is quick! Your wife came!


Is quick 是什麼意思啊?


❏❐Her husband! Her husband! Get up! Your wife is here!

此類有:Bing 翻譯

Her husband!是什麼意思啊?


❏❐Husband! Husband! Get up fast! Your wife came!


Get up fast!的fast似乎是多餘的。


❏❐Husband! Husband! Get up! Your wife has been come to!


has been come to 的 to 似乎是多餘的。


❏❐Husband! My husband! hurry up! your wife!




「老公! 老公! 快起來! 你老婆來了!」之所以成為經典名句,梗在於「老公」與「老婆」的對稱關係。第三者當著人家老婆的面,叫人家老公做「老公」,老婆不氣炸才怪!


倒是「爱词霸英语」翻的很有臨場感,「Husband! My husband! hurry up! your wife!」是機器翻譯難得的佳句。

4 則留言:

  1. don't take this the wrong way but can i tell you a secret, it has to do with you...
    are you sure?
    okay.. i love u, well not really, its more like a crush and ive never even met you, ive never felt this way about anyone before its embarrassing
    thats me in the picture.. i wanna give u a present on webcam im really wet right now and want to do this quick with u
    this is how i pay my bills and i don't fuck my customers but you are making me change my mind
    don't break my heart

  2. 匿名1/01/2013

    I'm can't see that.

  3. 匿名6/21/2013

    Emergency Department

  4. 匿名7/30/2013

    How to Use:

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